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Sustainovation Expo 2025

Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization, in collaboration with SMIU Business Incubation Center, organized a mega ‘Sustainovation Expo 2025’ at Sindh Madressatul Islam University. This event provided opportunity to the researchers and entrepreneurs across the Sindh to display their research and entrepreneurship ventures and get them evaluated with seasoned professionals.
The event not only offered Cash prizes of Rs. 100,000/- to the winners but also offered Incubation opportunities to the top 10 startups at the SMIU Business Incubation Center.

Iqra University
Rs. 50,000/-
University of Mirpur Khas
Rs. 30,000/-
IOT Technoedge
Rs. 20,000/-
IIC- 2018 (DICE Foundation, USA) Prizes Distribution Ceremony on 26th December, 2018

In connection to IIC-2018, prizes distribution ceremony was held on 26th December 2018. The prizes were gives to top ten ideas selected by the evaluators. The details of prizes is as under:


Project Name and Group Members

Prize Amount




My Assistant
Group Members:

  1. Suman Dilip Kumar
  2. Tooba Yousuf
  3. Ufaq Gul
  4. Mushahid Hussain Shah



Rs. 20,000/-



Multi-Dimensional Holographic Display
Group Members:

  1. Syed Usman Hussain
  2. Mahira Mansoor



Rs. 15,000/-



Recycling App
Group Members:

  1. Maaz Ahmed
  2. Shajia Sehar


Rs. 12,000/-



Marketplace for Hiring Tutors
Group Members:

  1. Kainat Meraj
  2. Asad Amin
  3. Priyanka Damwani
  4. Hammad Shabbir
  5. Sakina Zafar


Rs. 4,000/-



Ch'hant Ley
Group Members:

  1. Kainat Meraj
  2. Asad Amin
  3. Priyanka Damwani
  4. Hammad Shabbir
  5. Sakina Zafar


Rs. 4,000/-


Group Members:

  1. Sana Jalil
  2. Laiba Hussain


Rs. 4,000/-



Sun Rise - Senior Citizen
Group Members:

  1. Kainat memon
  2. Saba


Rs. 4,000/-



A Digital Addiction Rehabilitation Center
Group Members:

  1. Ramsha Ali
  2. M. Zaid
  3. Areeeba Amir
  4. Arif



Rs. 4,000/-



Group Members:

  1. Abdul Rehman Rao
  2. Rabiya Tariq Paracha


Rs. 4,000/-



Marketplace for Restaurant Reservation
Group Members:

  1. Isbah Rizwan
  2. Maha mateen


Rs. 4,000/-

IIC- 2018 (DICE Foundation, USA) Foundation, USA) DICE Presentation & Exhibition Session on 4th December, 2018.

In connection with IIC-2018 14 groups / 37 students displayed their ideas in front of Talpur House and were evaluated by Prof. Dr. Syed Asif Ali, Prof. Dr. Zahid Ali Channar, Dr. Malook Rind, Dr. Saima Tabassum, Syed Muhammad Asim, Mr. Bilal Ahmed and Mr. Bashir Ahmed Zeeshan. Later on the students presented their ideas in Sir Shah Nawaz Bhutto Auditorium in presence of all above mentioned evaluators.

IIC- 2018 (DICE Foundation, USA) Call for Participation

Sindh Madressatul Islam University's Office of Research Innovation & Commercialization (ORIC) in collaboration with DICE Foundation USA, announced an Innovative Ideas Competition (IIC- 2018) on Tuesday 12th November, 2018. In the 1st phase, 51 groups got themselves registered online. The detail of the registration process is as under:

Registration Opens: 12th November, 2018
Submission of Ideas: on 12th to 30th November, 2018
Internal Evaluation: 25th November to 1st December, 2018
Announcement of results: 2nd November, 2018

In the 1st phase, 51 groups/139 students submitted their innovative ideas out of it, 14 projects were shortlisted by the 6 members jury, including;

S. No.

Science Projects

Social Science Projects


Mr. Abdul Hafeez Khan

Mr. Muhammad Naeem Ahmed


Ms. Sahar Zafar Jumani

Mr. Asif Hussain Samo


Syed Muhammad Hassan

 Ms. Qurat-ul-ain Nazeer Ahmed

A Delegation from South China University of Technology, Guangzhou (SCUT) Visited SMIU on 13th September, 2018

A delegation from South China University of Technology, Guangzhou visited SMI University on 13th September 2018, which was headed by Professor Dr. AN Ran. An orientation program was arranged at Sir Shah Nawaz Bhuttto Auditorium, where the head of delegation shared the objectives of their visit. Later on table talk was arranged in conference room, where Dr. Muhammad Ali Shaikh, president of SMI University assured the Chinses delegation that SMI University is ready to cooperate with South China University of Technology.

KCCI and SMIU Signed (MoU) on 3rd September, 2018

MoU Signing ceremony between KCCI and SMI University was held on 3rd September 2018.

One-day Workshop on ?Find a Leader in Self? on 25th August, 2018.

ORIC arranged a workshop on ?Find a Leader in Self? to help the participants to identify the quality of a leader present in them. The participants belonging to different fields of life attended the program and appreciate the content discussed. Dr. Stephen John was the facilitator of this session.

One-day Workshop on ?Art of Teaching Mathematics: A Classroom Approach? on 18th August, 2018

ORIC arranged one-day workshop on "Art of Teaching Mathematics: A Classroom Approach" on 18th August 2018. Teachers teaching Mathematic at Secondary and Intermediate level participated in the said workshop, especially a group of 09 teachers of Cadet College, Petaro participated. Dr. Imtiaz, Dr. Muhammad Ali and Syed Azeem Inam were the facilitators of this session.

Faculty Research Sharing Sessions

8th to 10th August, 2018
To promote Research Culture at SMI University, the Honorable Vice Chancellor, Dr. Muhammad Ali Shaikh directed every faculty member to share their research studies. In this regard, ORIC organized 03-Days Research Sharing Sessions. In these sessions, all faculty members presented their selected research topic, objectives and research methodologies.

8th August Session 1

First session was held on 8th August, 2018 and was chaired by the Dean, Information Technology, Prof. Dr. Syed Asif Ali. In this session, 24 senior faculty members from different departments presented their research ideas. Every researcher covered Title, background, objective and research methodology. Researchers covered a diverse range of topics.

9th August Session 2

In the 2nd session, 24 participants presented their research details. This session was chaired by the Dean, Faculty of Management, Business Administration and Commerce, Prof. Dr. Zahid Ali Channar.

10th August Session 3

In the 3rd session on 10th August, 2018, rest of the 24 faculty members shared their researches. This session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Aftab Ahmed Shaikh, whereas the Honorable Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Shaikh also shared his views on importance of research for academicians, appreciated the selected research topics by the faculty and shared future plans of SMI University.

Professional Development Workshop on 'Statistical Techniques for Analyzing Primary Data

6th August, 2018
Keeping in view the needs of contemporary era, Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC), organized workshops on different themes, for professional development of academia and personnel working in the industry and organizations. These workshops covered a diverse range of topics, including teaching methodologies, research and data processing, leadership, Disaster Management and others.
In this series of workshops, 2nd workshop, titled ?Statistical Techniques for Analyzing Primary Data.? was held on 6th August, 2018. The workshop was facilitated by the Dean, Faculty of Management, Business Administration and Commerce, Prof. Dr. Zahid Ali Channar. In 1st session, he focused on theoretical aspects of Data Analysis, whereas in 2nd session, the participants got opportunity to test data analysis techniques practically.

Professional Development Workshop on 'Smart English Language Teaching Techniques'

4th August, 2018
Keeping in view the needs of contemporary era, Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC), organized workshops on different themes, for professional development of academia and personnel working in the industry and organizations. These workshops covered a diverse range of topics, including teaching methodologies, research and data processing, leadership, Disaster Management and others.
1st workshop in this series of workshops, tilted ?Smart English Language Teaching Techniques?, was held on 4th August 2018. The workshop was facilitated by Dr. Abdul Malik Abbasi, Ms. Farheen Baqi Memon, Ms. Samreen Riaz and Ms. Alia Faruqui. Teachers and educationist belonging to different educational institutions such as Bahria College Karsaz, Beacon House School System, Sindh Graduates Organization, Ziauddin University and AWT Investments attended the workshop.

Research Awareness Session on 'How to write a Research Paper?'

3rd August, 2018
Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC), has been working to promote research culture at Sind Madressatul Islam University. In this regard, ORIC organized a research awareness Session for the faculty members of SMI University, focusing on "How to write a Research Paper?" The Honorable Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Shaikh enlightened the faculty about components of research papers. Other speakers who emphasized on different aspects of research were, Dr Munir Mossa, Dr. Nadir, Dr, Afzal, Mr. Shah Muhammad Butt and Dr. Stephen John. Prof. Dr. Zahid Ali Channar concluded the session.

SMIU and Altinbas University of Turkey agree to extend cooperation in educational exchange, research and training

May 08, 2018
Sindh Madressatul Islam University and Altinbas University of Turkey have agreed upon to jointly start educational exchange programs, research projects and form a joint forum of different universities of Pakistan and Turkey for cooperation and collaboration in various academic and research fields.

Three Days Orientation Programme for Newly Established ORIC Personnel

2-4 May 2018

Inauguration of Center for Incubation and Entrepreneurship Education at SMIU

March 23, 2018

Modern Tools & Techniques for Software Development

March 15, 2018

Lecture on Telecom Infrastructure Management

March 14, 2018

Lecture on Current Trends of DBMS & Oracle

March 13, 2018

ORIC Conducted Research Awareness Session For Students

To encourage students to take part in research, create innovative ideas and commercialize them.
March 13th 2018

Lecture on Project Management & Software Quality Assurance

March 12, 2018

Lecture on Agile Development

March 12, 2018

Speaker Session on DBMS Backup & Recovery

March 06, 2018

Guest Lecture on Emerging Network Technologies & Domains

March 06, 2018

Speaker Session on Object Modelling in Python & Real Time Software Optimization

March 05, 2018

Speaker Session on Relationship of ICT System in Business

March 02, 2018

Speaker Session on Contemporary Tools & Techniques for Managing Software Development Project

March 01, 2018

Guest lecture on "Applications of Quaternion in Attitude Estimation and Control" with Prof. Dr. Muhammad Jawed Iqbal held on March 01st, 2018.
Research Awareness Session Conducted by Dr. Stephen John

To promote research culture at SMI university a session was conducted by Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization on February 28th, 2018

Lecture on "Importance of Software Quality Assurance in Software Development"

February 23, 2018

Guest Lecture

Session on" Investigative Reporting" with Mr. Saqib Sagheer held on February 13th, 2018

Faculty Training Program 2018

Leading: A 5-Days Faculty Development Training Program for new inductees was organized by Sindh Madressatul Islam University (SMIU) Karachi, from January 15th to 19 th, 2018.

Role & Importance of ICT in HEIs"

Presentations on the latest Innovations in the Digital World and role of Information Technology in Higher Institutions
20th September

Workshop on Campus and Learning Management System

Hands on Practice on CMS
21st to 24th August 2017

Strategic Goals for Pakistani Higher Educational Institutions-Experience of Past, Present and Future

Awareness session organized by SMIU QEC
May 4, 2017